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Difference Between a Delivery Management System and a Transport Management System

Difference Between a Delivery Management System and a Transport Management System

loop delivery platform

What’s the Difference Between a Delivery Management System and a Transport Management System?

If you’re in the logistics sector, you have likely heard of delivery management systems (DMS) and transport management systems (TMS). Both are important – yet different – platforms in the e-commerce and delivery realm. In a nutshell, DMS software is often used by logistics and courier companies to plot and plan the most effective delivery routes on the ground in a localised context. Generally, this software is used once the goods are in the warehouse and helps companies streamline delivery operations. TMS software, on the other hand, is usually more complex and covers the shipment of goods.

In this guide, we will cover the main differences between the two systems and highlight how delivery management systems like Loop can optimise the delivery landscape and help courier and logistics companies achieve incredible results.

Understanding Delivery Management Systems – Cost and Time-Savings Benefits

Delivery management systems are used by logistics companies to find the most cost- and time-savvy journeys. Conversely, transport management systems are part of the larger supply train and refer to the large-scale transport of goods by land, sea, or air. If a company is ordering goods from overseas and then delivering them to local clients, they will likely utilise both systems. The TMS system will handle the global shipment of goods, including liaising with manufacturers, plotting transit routes, and handling all technical elements of the process. The DMS system will handle localised delivery once the goods get to their location. 

When it comes to delivery management software, it’s essential to use an accessible, user-friendly system like Loop. Loop’s delivery management system takes the stress out of deliveries, ensuring that the so-called “last mile” runs effectively. Loop optimises delivery routes so that drivers can deliver more goods every day. When you choose Loop, you will enjoy the following features:

  • Management Console: Managing a large fleet of vehicles is no easy feat, especially when they’re driving in multiple directions across a city. Loop’s management feature keeps operational managers in the driver’s seat, ensuring they can access real-time data on all vehicles. This feature enables them to check order status, monitor driver productivity, andmitigate potential issues before they become major problems.
  • Driver App: The driver app ensures that drivers are always in the know. This feature offers turn-by-turn navigation using real-time data to identify delays or obstacles in the road. Thanks to route-optimisation technology, they will enjoy a huge reduction in kilometres driven despite achieving more deliveries every day. Loop truly allows you to make more while spending less, achieving time and cost savings while you get more done.
  • Customer Platform: This is another critical component of the platform. It ensures that customers are always in the know and can track delivery status throughout the day. This feature boosts customer satisfaction, reduces delivery time once the driver gets to the client, and ensures repeat business thanks to 5-star delivery service every time. 

The results of these three features? Effective on-the-ground deliveries, huge time savings, and lower costs.

Book a Free, Zero-Obligation Demo!

If you’re keen to learn more about Loop’s innovative delivery management system, book a free demo with our experienced team. We’ll show you our success to date and highlight how our DMS can optimise your delivery operations and set you up for success!