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Excel in On-Demand Deliveries with Loop

Excel in On-Demand Deliveries with Loop

loop delivery platform
On-Demand Deliveries

Courier companies are critical to the commercial world, ensuring that goods get to their necessary destination on time, with zero damage or hassle. Successful courier companies have a few things in common, including speedy delivery and clear communication with clients throughout the journey. In the modern world, it’s unlikely that reputable delivery companies would work as effectively without reliable software for couriers, let alone be able to contend with their competitors. In the digital age, route management software is part and parcel of guaranteed success. When couriers utilise route management systems, delivery services are enhanced, and customers remain satisfied. And we all know that happy customers equate to more business!

So, how exactly can route planning software for couriers help your company? Well, the advantages are unparalleled when you choose a reputed service like Loop. Read on to learn about how this innovative software can help couriers thrive.

Plots the most effective delivery Loop

The best part about Loop’s platform is that it can easily and effectively plan routes. This removes the human element, which is sometimes prone to error and allows employees to focus their energies on other pressing tasks. Since Loop works with real-time data, trips can also update as new information avails itself, thus ensuring that every journey is plotted with the latest updates and news.

Engages all stakeholders

One of the best parts of the app is that it’s for courier companies, courier drivers, and their clients. The management console allows operational personnel to effectively manage their fleets and plan routes in real-time. The driver app saves drivers a considerable amount of time and plots the most efficient route, and, finally, the customer interface allows customers to track deliveries, follow real-time updates, and receive their goods fast. This naturally ups client satisfaction and results in repeat clients.

Saves money and time

With the ever-increasing fuel prices, most couriers are eager to cut costs where they can. Loop software plots the most cost-effective delivery routes by considering all the day’s routes and any roadworks or issues on the road. This can result in a 20% reduction of kilometres driven, and over time, this translates into fantastic fuel savings and less wear and tear on the vehicle. Route optimisation can also save a whopping 1.5 hours a day, allowing drivers to schedule even more deliveries per day. This totals to 7.5 hours a week and 30 hours a month saved. Over a year, this adds up significantly.

Explore Loop’s Innovative Software for Couriers and More

If you are ready to uncover the unbeatable advantages of Loop and want to learn more, why not book a free demo session? We’ll take you through our route planning software, demonstrating how each facet of the program works. Learn how Loop benefits courier companies, individual drivers, and clients. Each group can interact with their own interface, ensuring that all stakeholders are always in the know with regard to deliveries. If you want to stay ahead of competing couriers, take a leap ahead, and choose Loop’s software for couriers today!